Filmul este un amalgam de istorii bazate pe fapte reale și concentrate într-un singur erou. În goana după dreptate, protagonistul recurge la niște metode nu tocmai legale. Filmul este despre prețul pe care trebuie să-l plătească acesta, pentru a obține ceea ce-și dorește.
Eugen Damaschin is a director and screenwriter. In 2021, he became a member of the European Film Academy, marking an important milestone in his career. Over time, his many commercial projects have been recognized on the Ads of the World platform, a library that brings together the best ads from around the world. Among his notable achievements is the film "Beautiful Corruption", which was screened in over 10 countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Luxembourg and Romania. Also, this film was nominated for the Nika award, in the category of the best film in the CIS.