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Status: Hit
Producer: YOUBESC
Production year: 2018
Length: 20 min.
Genre: Comedy
Age restrictions: 6+
Country: Moldova, Republic of
Original title: BILLION
Director of photography: Ivan Grincenco
Director: Evgheni Dudceak
Screenplay: Evgheni Dudceak
Composer: Octavian Cotet
Costumes: Irina Gurin
Scenography: Elena Proca-David, Slava Tomsa
Music: Octavian Cotet
Sound: Roman Bordei
Administration: Evgheni Dudceak
Distribution (actors): Mihai Curagau, Ion Jitari, Ghena Morosanu


George is an old widow man that serenely lives his last years somewhere at the edge of the world in a Moldavian village. George believes that life continuously dodges him, until the day he notices that his old wooden toilet has the ability to teleport him from one place to another. He can visit Tokyo, climb the Everest mountain and other various tourist destinations. Great desires are borne by great possibilities – will he be able to resist all the temptations of the modern world? It depends only by him.

“BILLION” is the last film in which the great actor MIHAI CURAGĂU starred

Director’s Statement: it’s necessary to trust your dream and do not forgo it, even if the life is moving toward its end. However, to survive the test of happiness is not less serious than to bear up under affliction. As a result it can be self-enrichment or even rolling into the abyss. Not to remain at the bottom of the ladder as an old age pensioner George near his destroyed wooden teleport, it’s necessary to thank your lucky stars and enjoy the life.

Producer’s Statement: ”BILLION” (short dramedy) is an allegory of the great Moldovan bank robbery – a mystery that’s thrown Europe’s poorest nation into deep crisis – $1 Billion has vanished from Moldova’s bank system. We may disappoint people from Moldova who will expect to find the truth about this great robbery trough our movie, but we are sure that the audience will enjoy our reflection on this topic using cinematic tools and unhiden metaphors.




About director:


Evgeny Dudchak - journalist, actor, director. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism at USM, he went through a difficult path from a correspondent to a live broadcast host. Graduated from VGIK with a degree in film directing and film dramaturgy. His diploma work, the short film "Billion", was included in the program of the Kinotavr film festival, and also won many awards at many other festivals in Europe and Russia. He made his debut in big cinema with the feature film “I’m Going to Look.” He graduated from screenwriting at the Industry film school named after Sergei Bondarchuk. He made a short film "Memoriteka".